About the Arbor District
The Arbor District is situated between SIU on the south, Memorial Hospital/SIH on the north, Downtown on the east, and Oakland Avenue with Schnucks, CVS Pharmacy, and other services on our west.
The Arbor District encompasses the West Walnut Street Historic District and the area once informally designated the "student neighborhood"
It is one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Carbondale, with people of many races, ethnicities, and nationalities. It includes many university students as well as retirees, university professors and staff, medical providers, and other working people. It is inhabited by people of virtually all income levels, except the very wealthy.
The Neighborhood Association is registered as an Illinois non-profit corporation. Its Board of Directors for 2024 is:
Pheral Lamb, President pheral[at]protonmail.com
Judy Ashby, Vice-President judybug2[at]fronteir.com
Brian Swoboda, Treasurer bswoboda2[at]gmail.com
Tobin Grant, Secretary TobinGrant[at]gmail.com
Kyle Miller, kymiller.cdale[at]gmail.com
Sarah Buila sdbuila253[at]gmail.com
Francine Wien francinewien[at]yahoo.com