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Arbor District Neighborhood Association by-laws

Adopted at the Arbor District Neighborhood Association General Meeting

September 24, 2006.   Revised 10-21-12.  Revised 01-31-16. Revised 02-04-2024


Article I - Name


The association shall be called the Arbor District Neighborhood Association.


Article II - Geographical Boundaries


The Arbor District is the area bounded by West Main, South University, West Mill, and South Oakland, inclusive of both sides of the boundary streets, with the exception of the south side of West Mill Street.


Article III - Purpose


The Arbor District Neighborhood Association is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving thehistoric heritage of the Arbor District and the quality of life of all of its residents.  Activities designed tomeet this aim may include but not be limited to:


  • Seeking special designations to preserve the area and its structures

  • Organizing neighborhood clean-ups

  • Participating in zoning change negotiations

  • Encouraging code compliance and city enforcement     

  • Supporting crime prevention measures, and in particular, Neighborhood Watch groups

  • Representing neighborhood interests before public bodies

  • Helping prevent and mediate disputes

  • Maintaining regular communications

  • Sponsoring social events

  • Fostering mutual assistance especially with the elderly and disabled

  • Assisting with emergency and disaster preparedness

  • Working with other neighborhood associations to advance mutual interests

  • Facilitating political education and participation, but not endorsing political



Article IV - Membership, Dues, and Voting


General membership shall be open to all residents aged eighteen or older of the District.  Membershipdues are $10 for household and $5 for individuals payable in September of each year.  Lifetimehousehold or individual memberships are $100. Household memberships shall have a maximum of twovotes.


Membership shall be available for businesses and not-for-profit groups, including church groups, locatedwithin the Arbor District.  Annual dues are $10 payable in September of each year.  Lifetime business ornot-for-profit memberships are $100.  Each business or not-for-profit group shall be entitled to one vote.


Article V - Board and Officers


1. The business of the Arbor District Neighborhood Association will be carried out by a Board consisting of aPresident, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and at least three (3) at-large members. The Board will designatea webmaster and email list manager. The immediate Past President shall be an ex officio member of the Boardwith voice but without vote, unless the past president is also an elected Board member.  The duties of officersshall be those generally ascribed for those offices.  The Board may appoint other representatives and committeesto carry out functions of the Arbor District Neighborhood Association at the direction of the Board.  Board membership should be representative of the District.


No more than one member of a household shall be a voting member of the Board.


2. Officers and Board members will hold office for a two year term and may be re-elected for twoconsecutively succeeding two-year terms.


3.  Board members who have three unexcused absences within a six month period shall be removed from theBoard.


4. The Board may create and fill roles such as organizational historian, webmaster, and manager of social media/communications. Such positions may be filled by board members or general members and do not confer voting membership on the board.


Article VI - Elections


Election of Board members and officers as needed shall take place at the Annual General Meeting to be heldduring January of each year.  All terms of office officially start at the conclusion of the Annual GeneralMeeting.  Interim vacancies are to be filled by the Board as they occur.  Only dues-paying members mayserve on the Board and may vote in elections and at meetings.


Article VII - Meetings


1. General meetings shall be held as needed but at least once a year in January.  Decisions shall be made by amajority of dues-paying members attending.  A quorum shall consist of a minimum of 15 members.  Membersshall be present at meetings in order to vote.  Proxy votes are not allowed unless there is an exception votedupon by the membership. Notice of general meetings shall be sent to all members at least one week prior tothe meeting.


2. Board meetings shall be held at least six times a year and decisions shall be made by a majority of Boardmembers attending.  A quorum shall consist of at least five voting Board members.  Any member of the ArborDistrict Neighborhood Association may attend any meeting of the Board. Notice of Board meetings shall be sentto all members one week prior to the meeting.


3. Minutes of General Meetings and Board meetings shall be posted on the web page after they have beenapproved by the Board.


Article VIII - Committees


 1. A Nominating Committee shall be formed by the Board in October of each year. The Committee shall recruit officers and new members to the Board. The Nominating Committee shall send out a call for nominations by October of each year. 


2. Standing and Ad Hoc Committees may be formed to pursue in a proactive fashion the stated objectives of theArbor District Neighborhood Association.  Committee membership shall be open to all members of the ArborDistrict Neighborhood Association. Committees shall generally select their own chairperson, set their own goals,and determine their own rules and procedures.  They shall submit a report to the Board at regularly scheduledmeetings. A Board member generally will be assigned as a liaison for each committee. Committees and Committee Chairpersons may not obligate or speak for the Board or the Arbor District Neighborhood Association. Committees are to be formed on the basis of need, interest, and organizational stability.  Examples ofcommittees and their responsibilities are appended to these Bylaws.  The committee structure shall be reviewedand renewed each year by the Board.


Article IX - Communications


The Board shall oversee regular communication through flyers, website, email list and FaceBook.  These will beused only to promote the goals of the Arbor District Neighborhood Association. The Board shall establishwhatever policies are necessary to assure the fulfillment of this purpose in accord with accepted professionalstandards. Information (such as notice of regular Board meetings, minutes, etc.) shall be deemed to have been given to a member if it is sent by e-mail. The board will establish and maintain a Communications Committee that will write, source, approve and reject communications to the media, the email list, FaceBook, Website, andany other medium, prior to distribution.


Article X - Historic District


Nothing in these Bylaws shall be construed as adverse to the identity or functioning of the West Walnut StreetHistoric District that falls in its entirety within the Arbor District boundaries. The Arbor District NeighborhoodAssociation shall promote and foster the aims of the Historic District in whatever ways are consistent with themutual interests of both groups.


Article XI - Amendments


Amendments to these By-laws can be made only by a two thirds vote of dues-paying members, or aminimum of 15 members, at a General Meeting.  An amendment may be proposed by the Board, or by anyfive members of the Arbor District Neighborhood Association. Notice of a proposed amendment shall begiven to all members at least two weeks before the General Meeting.


Article XII – Special Resolution


In exceptional time-limited circumstances, a two-thirds vote of the dues-paying membership can pass aresolution to address these circumstances without changing these by-laws.


Article XIII - Liability


No officer or member of the Arbor District Neighborhood Association shall be personally liable for acts oromissions of any officer or member other than himself/herself, whether or not such act was in performance ofofficial duties. No officer or member shall obligate the Arbor District Neighborhood Association by contract orotherwise, to perform any act or to incur any liability without prior authorization of the Board.


Article XIV – Dissolution


Upon dissolution of the Arbor District Neighborhood Association as determined by a vote of the generalmembership, any assets remaining after payment of debt and liabilities shall be distributed by decision of theBoard to similar associations within the City of Carbondale or to similarly oriented non-profit organizations. Officers, Board members, or private individuals shall not receive material or financial assets that may beextant at the time of dissolution.


Article XV - Robert's Rules of Order


Unless otherwise stated in these Bylaws, the most current edition of Robert's Rules of Order will prescribeprocedure.


Appendix I – Examples of Committees


Property and Real Estate


Seeks preservation designations, monitors transactions, assists with favorable zoning changes, andcoordinates property upkeep efforts and neighborhood clean-ups.


Membership and Hospitality


Recruits new members, maintains current lists, coordinates welcome activities, coordinates/ facilitatesmediation, coordinates welcome picnics and other social and cultural events.




Maintains website, Maintains and monitors email list, maintains and circulates information on the ArborDistrict Neighborhood Association’s official e-mail list, and produces press advisories and press releases.


Neighborhood Safety


Coordinates Neighborhood Watch and Arbor District Neighborhood Assistance Team (NAT)



Research and Development


Coordinates historical research and publications, produces documentation of current status, proposes plans andpolicies for the future of the neighborhood, and writes proposals for new and amended ordinances.


Coordinates with city-wide efforts for better policies affecting neighborhoods.




Collaborates with Treasurer on dues collection, fund raising, budget development, and audits.




Calls for nominees one month before the general meeting in January and prepares a list of candidates for theBoard and leadership offices that offers a balanced representation of the Arbor District; circulates the list ofcandidates to the general membership at least one week before the general meeting in January.


Amended 10-21-12, 01-31-16, 02-04-2024

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